
The Gates Mills Improvement Society

In 1905, 88 property holders formed the Gates Mills Improvement Society "to promote health, safety, and happiness". It was also the governance, aside from the township, until the Village incorporated in 1920. The Gates Mills Improvement Society continues to work with village government and organizations to protect and improve the natural beauty of the historical architecture and village traditions for the benefit of all Gates Mills residents. One of the activities sponsored by the Improvement Society is the July 4 parade:

The July 4 parade begins at the Gates Mills Elementary School and moves down Chagrin River Road. Included in the parade are the Gates Mills Volunteer Fire Department with their equipment, The Mayfield High School majorette, flag corps and cadet's, and the marching band, the Village officials and organizations (some with floats), the Cleveland Kiltie band, participants in the Village's baseball leagues, day camp, and Jr. Strawhat programs, children from other local day camps, vintage cars, horses, ponies, dogs (including the Hunt Club hounds), and the Gates Mills calliope. The parade ends at the Polo Field where a ceremony takes place. After the ceremony food is sold and children's games are organized.

To visit the Improvement Society Website, Click

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Friends Of The Library

The Friends of the Gates Mills Library was formed in 1974 to help support the community’s branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library system.  Many families in the village belong to the Friends organization.  Their contributions help raise funds and they also provide volunteer support services that supplement the library’s resources and activities.  The Friends host an annual dinner that features well known authors as speakers; they organize and run the quarterly book sales and they publish a newsletter that comes out three times a year.  Yearly membership (January – December) is $10 for individuals, $25 for family, $30 for supporter and $1,000 for lifetime (one-time payment).  Renewal notices are mailed in January - a 501c3 non-profit community organization

The Gates Mills Library moved into it’s current location in 2008.  The building was built through community support.  Besides many books, books on CD, DVD’s, music CD’s and periodicals that are loaned out for 3 weeks it also offers free internet access through seven public computers, color printing, color copying, free faxing, meeting room, children’s area and a quiet reading area in front of a fireplace.  The library is a full service passport center.  The library is open seven days a week: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Friday – Saturday, and 1:00 PM – 5:00 Sunday.  Branch Manager: Maryanne Haller  Address: 1491 Chagrin River Road, Gates Mills   Phone: 440-423-4808 


Maryanne Haller

Branch Manager

Cuyahoga County Public Library


Gates Mills Branch

1491 Chagrin River Road / Gates Mills OH 44040-9703

p 440.423.4808 / f 440.423.1363


Chagrin Falls Branch

100 East Orange Street / Chagrin Falls  OH 44022-2735

p 440.247.3556 / f 440.247.0179

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Gates Mills Community Club

Gates Mills Community Club membership is open to residents of the Village. Members publish the Village "Pink Sheet" newsletter, promotes cultural activities and fellowship, and contributes to educational, civic, charitable and public projects benefiting the Village. Luncheon/meetings with special programs are held January through May, September, October, and December. Membership dues required. For further information call (440) 423-1245.

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The Gates Mills Garden Club

The Gates Mills Garden Club was founded in 1931 to stimulate interest in gardening and to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of Gates Mills. Membership is open to all residents interested in learning more about gardening while meeting new friends in a work/fun environment.

To visit the Gates Mills Garden Club click here.

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The Gates Mills Historical Society

P.O. Box 191 Gates Mills, Ohio 44040
The Gates Mills Historical Society is comprised of historically motivated residents interested in preserving the rich transition of the village from the agricultural society to the current society. It was incorporated in 1946 and the historic Southwick house was moved to its present location and dedicated in 1949. This house located at 7580 Old Mill Road contains many articles from the Baldwin Estate and original furniture handmade by the Southwick family. There is an annual membership drive, open to any interested resident.

Click here to be taken to the Gates Mills Historical Society website.

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Gates Mills Land Conservancy

7580 Old Mill Road  P.O. Box 13  Gates Mills, Ohio 44040  Phone: (440) 423-0135
The mission of the Gates Mills Land Conservancy is to preserve the natural, recreational, and scenic resources of the Village of Gates Mills and the Chagrin River Valley by acquiring land and conservation easements through gifts and purchases.

The Gates Mills Land Conservancy has had measured success in the conservation and preservation of the natural beauty of the Village through the generous vision, time and giving of all its residents. As of January 15th,2008, the Land Conservancy owns 167 acres of land and has Conservations Easements on an additional 302 acres, for a grand total of 469 acres of Preserved Land.

The Land Conservancy has a stewardship program in place to monitor and enforce terms specified in easement contracts and to maintain owned land in its natural state. Primary funding for stewardship is secured through membership dues, as well as generous gifts and donations from supporters of land conservation.

Visit our web site and learn more about this Village organization at

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The Gates Mills Players

The objective of The Gates Mills Players, which was founded shortly after World War II, has been to produce entertaining plays with a maximum of fun for both the group and the audience. The Players do all their own theatre work, including set design, set construction, lighting, props, make-up, as well as acting, dancing and musical arrangements. This results in everyone having an opportunity to learn theatre in all of its facets.

As an outgrowth of its theatrical endeavors, the Players have established a program of supportive funding of the Near West Theatre, an organization dedicated to the noble task of bringing the kids of Cleveland off the street and on to the stage. In addition, the Players also support a scholarship fund for graduates of Mayfield High School who profess an interest in some aspect of drama.

Membership is open to all residents of Gates Mills and the adjoining communities. For further information write to P.O. Box 272, Gates Mills, Ohio 44040
Attention: Membership Chairman

To visit the Players' website, Click

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Christmas Tree Fund

There is a Christmas Eve celebration at the Polo Field at 4:00 p.m. Santa arrives by sled and gives a gift to all Village children through 5th grade. Hot dogs, donuts, and hot chocolate are served as friends and neighbors gather around a roaring campfire. The party is financed by the voluntary contributions from the Villagers.

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The Mayfield Area Recreation Council (MARC) was organized, in 1972, for the purpose of supplementing the recreation programs of the municipalities within the Mayfield School District. Those four municipalities include: Gates Mills, Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights, and Mayfield Village with two representatives from each community serving on the Mayfield Area Recreation Council. MARC offers a wide range of activities for youth ranging from karate and chess to gymnastics and ice hockey.

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