Gates Mills

From the Mayor - June '22
Friday, Jun. 3rd

Dear Villagers,

Summer is almost here! Gates Mills is once again lush, green and beautiful. June’s arrival means school is ending and camps are starting. Please be extra aware of children playing outside and more people out walking when you are driving through the Village.

Our highly regarded Gates Mills Nature Camp is again sold out and starting up in June in the Village. They will be following all guidance necessary from the Health Department to keep our campers and staff as safe as possible.

On May 11th, we had our first Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee meeting at the Community House. The meeting went great. We have a very broad, diverse and interested group of Villagers representing every area throughout the Village. They are charged with taking in a lot of information and ideas to come up with thoughtful recommendations which will be presented to Council. You can watch this recorded meeting on our YouTube channel. This meeting and all future meetings can be followed through our Village website link to the Comprehensive Plan. We also welcome you to attend these meetings in person. We encourage and value your input.

We honored Dan R. Collister on May 30th. This special event was for his lifelong commitment and service to Gates Mills. He has volunteered to serve as Mayor, Treasurer and Council-member. He has been a devoted working member of our Improvement Society, Historical Society, Players, and Land Conservancy. For all that he has done, we have named our Polo Field “The Daniel R. Collister Polo Field”. Thank you to all who participated in this celebration.

I want everyone to know that Gates Mills has a “Safe Area” in the Town Hall vestibule. Questions have come up about a “Safe Area” since a recent incident in Chagrin Falls. You can enter and bolt the door. There is a camera with a call button directly connected to our Chagrin Valley Dispatch Center. Stop and take a look when you are near the Town Hall.

We also want to inform you that we have a Drug Take Back Box available throughout the year. It is located on the back porch of Town Hall (the side of Town Hall closest to the Community House) and is used to collect unwanted drugs.

We encourage you to get involved in our community organizations and upcoming events that are sure to make this a great summer in Gates Mills. As always, please call Town Hall with any questions you may have.

Karen Schneider
Mayor, Village of Gates Mills
440-423-4405 ext. 122