The Gates Mills Service Department was formed in 1920 and took over the responsibilities for the roads and bridges when the Village incorporated. George Brown was the first appointed Service Director followed in order by Thomas Merrigan, Charles Fruend, William Henderson, Thomas Hladky, Gary Pesuit and currently serving is Dave Biggert. In 1921 only two of the Villages roads were paved and only one lane wide.
The Service Department provides a wide variety of services including the repair and maintenance of all Village roadways and bridges, maintenance of public properties, snow removal on Village roads, and tree maintenance within the Village right-of-way. The Service Department office hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30am to 4:00pm.
At the present time, the Service Department has employed 7 laborers including a certified tree arborist and a certified mechanic. Members of the Service Department receive fire training and are required to be members on the Volunteer Fire Department. Commercial Driver License (CDL) is required for those individuals operating the large snow plowing equipment.