Building Department

Remember to plan ahead with the sale of your home. Preparation is key to provide a smooth sale transition. Gates Mills does require a septic point of sale for transfer of property per village ordinance. (See Chapter 1317) The Cuyahoga County Board of Health regulates Ohio’s household sewage program. An application and payment of $350 is necessary to schedule an inspection. Your house must be occupied at time of inspection and for the last 30 days and the septic tank may not be pumped out in the last 30 days. If the house is not occupied, the title may transfer and the inspection completed once it has been occupied for 30 days with the new homeowner. Escrow is not required in Gates Mills or per the Board of Health but is often used. Please refer any specific questions regarding your property to Nick Ball (Ext. 1233) at the Cuyahoga County Board of Health, 216-201-2001.
The Cuyahoga County Sewage Treatment System Point-of-Sale Evaluation Application can be found on their website - link below: