The Mayor with the approval of Council appoints the members of the Village's committees. Most of the committees and members are listed on this page. Only the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Architectural Board, and the Historical District Subcommittee have regularly scheduled meetings. All other Committees meet as needed with the time and date posted at least 24 hours in advance on the Web site, at the Town Hall and outside the GM Library.
- Regularly Scheduled Committees:
- Planning and Zoning Commission - 1st Tuesday, 5:00 pm monthly
- Architectural Board - 1st Thursday, 5:00 pm monthly
- Historical District Subcommittee - 3rd Wednesday, 5:00 pm monthly
Maintains cages in the Service Department for found animals. Walk, feed, and provide water to the lost pet until the owner is located. Assists in communication to help find owners of lost animals.
- Lynn Berzin
- Joan Englund
- Andrea Mattes
- Vicki McCrone
- Gail Minichello
- Michael Press
- Kathy Rabin
- Marla Robbins
- Jennifer Roth
- Laurel Smith
- Dr. Anna van Heeckeren
Created by the Charter, the Board maintains quality and visually appropriate construction in the Village and recommends modifications to the Building Code.
3 Year Term - Meets 1st Thursday of the Month
- John Spirk, Chairperson (12/31/2025)
- Janet AuWerter (12/31/2026)
- Judy Embrescia (12/31/2025)
- Jann Holzman (12/31/2027)
- Sandra Turner, Council Representative (12/31/2025)
- Sara Welsh, Historic Review Board Representative
- William Childs, Architect (12/31/26)
- Richard Kawalek, Architect (12/31/26)
Adheres to National Historic guidelines for construction in historic areas of the Village.
Appointed Annually - Meets 3rd Wednesday of the Month.
- Sara Welsh, Chair
- Laurie Deacon, Council Rep
- Jane Lindmark
- Greg Nosan
- Chuck Spear
- David Ellison, Architect
- Joseph Giglio, Architect
- William Childs, Alternate Architect
Considers requests for cemetery use, headstones, landscaping and other cemetery-related matters.
- Ed Welsh, Chair
- Peter Griesinger, Trustee
- Katharine Goss
- Mary Reynolds
- Kathy & Jim Pender, Trustees
- Janet Mulh, Archivist
- Dave Biggert, Trustee
Explore options for Village-wide broadband service.
- Laurie Deacon, Chair
- Steve Siemborski, Mayor
- Chris Courtney
- Richard Hymer
- Dennis Leazott
- Michael Press
Preserves and enhances the environmental and scenic quality of the Chagrin River Watershed. Offers advice on local drainage and erosion problems.
- Sandra Turner, Representative
- Christopher Courtney, Alternate
The Charter Review Commission is tasked with reviewing the Village's Charter and submitting any proposed amendments to the Council, which passes legislation to place the issue before Gates Mills voters at the general election.
- Shawn Riley, Chair
- Laurie Deacon
- David Hooker
- Michael Press
- Robert Reitman
Chairpersons who lead various community events.
- Art Show - Brandon Santoro, Marni Santoro
- Friends of the Library - Karen Galloway
- Summer Concert - Village Staff
- Easter & Halloween Events - Village Staff
- Gates Mills Players - Shannon Seaber
- The Nature Camp -Carmella, Joe and Josh Hayes
Recommends the annual budget to Council by reviewing expenses, revenues, levies, capital needs and financial challenges.
- Steve Siemborski, Chair
- David Atton, Council Rep
- Jay ("Chip") AuWerter
- Charlie Baker
- David Burke
- Beth DeCapite
- Michael Press
- Mark Prusinski
- Nancy Sogg
- Ann Whitney
- Janet Mulh, Finance Administrator
- Dixon Morgan, Jr., Treasurer
Alerts residents to federal and state legislation as well as Village ordinances regulating the safety of gas wells: drilling, maintenance and capping off. Consults with Village Fire Chief on these matters.
Gates Mills Gas Well Safety Committee Website
- Tom Majeski, Fire Chief, Chair
- Assigned as needed
Acquires, conserves and preserves properties with strategic, ecological value in the Village. It is a non-profit organization indepenedent of the Village. Village levy funds support the GMLC. Mayor appoints 5 of the 15 Board members.
4-Year Term
- Mitchell Bass (2027)
- Scott Broome (2025)
- Jamie Carracher (2026)
- Anne Marchetto (2027)
- Sandra Turner (2026)
Receive advice on improvements, contractor resources and low interest financing for home repairs on heritage homes that were built 50 or more years ago.
- Sandra Turner
- Chuck Spear
Elected Mayors and Councilmembers meet quarterly to discuss topics of common interest to the Hillcrest communities.
- All Council Members
Studies and recommends insurances needed by the Village.
- Ann Whitney, Chair
- Beth DeCapite
- Bob Reitman
- Janet Mulh, Finance Administrator
Recommends and interviews legal counsel for the Village as needed.
- Shawn Riley, Chair
- Debbie Moss Batt
- David Hooker
- Robert S. Reitman
- Nancy Sogg
Hears and settles disputes on Village income tax issues.
2-Year Term
- David Bercheck (12/31/2025)
- David Burke (12/31/2025)
- John K. Lane (12/31/2025)
Assigned as needed. Considers long-term revenue sources and capital needs of the Village and recommends solutions for combatting financial challenges.
- Steve Siemborski, Chair
Attends School Board meetings to keep Mayor and Council informed. Communicates with residents about current school activities, issues and recognitions for the purpose of conveying value delivered to the community. Hosts Superintendent and Treasurer annually at a Council meeting.
- Meghan Perez, Co-Chair
- Sean O'Hagan, Co-Chair
- David Atton
- Angela Baker
- DeAnn Dominish
- Audrey Dvorak
- Larry Frankel
- Vanessa Iosue
- Christine Kress
- Robin Polack
- Jim Stafford
- Vikram Swamy
- Laurel Ravida, Gates Mills Elem. Principal
- Officer Arch Kimbrew (SRO)
- Chief Minichello
Created by the Charter to oversee lands owned or acquired by the Village for park puposes.
5 Years.
- Steve Siemborski, Mayor (12/31/2025)
- Al Cowger (12/31/2025)
- Cathy DiVincenzo (12/31/2025)
- Paul Nemastil (12/31/2025)
- Ed Welsh (12/31/2025)
Planning and Zoning (P&Z) reviews site plans to insure compliance with zoning laws and recommends new ordinances to maintain community standards.
Board of Zoning Appeals(BZA) hears requests from residents for variances from the zoning code.
2 Council Reps - Annually
5 Electors - 4-Year Terms
- Craig Steinbrink,Council Rep and Chair (12/31/25)
- Scott Broome (12/31/25), Council Rep
- Jay ("Chip") AuWerter (12/31/28)
- Jim Deacon (12/31/28)
- Emily Hamilton (12/31/27)
- Chris Riley (12/31/26)
- Jeannine Voinovich (12/31/27)
- Dave Biggert, Secretary
Promotes Village activities and amenties to residents and welcomes new residents. Liaison to realtors and relocation specialists advising potential residents about Gates Mills.
- Sandra Turner, Chair
- Janet AuWerter
- Sally Burke
- Karen Eagle
- Nancy McGuinnis
- Molly Nook
- Gail Palmer
- Alison Phillips
- Steve Schneider
- Anne Steele
Oversees Village-owned properties along with reviewing real estate issues and transactions.
3-Year Term
- Warren Morris, Chair (12/31/25)
- Shawn Riley (12/31/26)
- Craig Steinbrink, Council Rep (12/31/24)
Meets with Real Estate Committee to discuss topics of broader concern regarding real estate.
- Warren Morris, Chair
- Shawn Riley
- Craig Steinbrink, Council Rep
- Debbie Moss Batt
- Eric Bell
- Paul Cascio
- Larry Frankel
- Mark Prusinski
- Tim Reynolds
- Kevin Slesh
- Nancy Sogg
Required by State law, composes record retention schedules needed for maintaining records. Includes Mayor, Clerk or an appointed representative, Law Director, Councilmember, and a citizen.
- Steve Siemborski, Mayor
- Janet Mulh, Finance Administrator/Clerk's Representative
- Todd Hunt, Law Director
- Ed Welsh, Council Rep.
- Marcia Anselmo, Citizen, Pres. GM Historical Society
- Dave Biggert, Service Director
- Tom Majeski, Fire Chief
- Gregg Minichello, Police Chief
Oversees recreational activities in the Village and use of Village property for recreational activities such as tennis, pickleball, bocce ball and physical fitness.
- Clark Langmack, Chair
- Juliana Carrus
- Lucy Lytle
- Jane Mitchell
- Jim Stafford
Studies matters affecting the health, safety and welfare of residents such as traffic, police and fire policies and practices and new programs/services to enhance emerging safety requirements.
- Larry Frankel, Co-Chair
- Mike Pinto, Co-Chair
- Charlie Baker
- Scott Broome
- Patrick Daugherty
- Melissa Fortunato
- Doug Horner
- Hadley Kline
- Dennis Leazott
- Karen Long
- Craig Steinbrink, Council Rep.
- Ed Welsh, Council Rep.
- Dave Biggert, Service Director
- Tom Majeski, Fire Chief
- Gregg Minichello, Police Chief
Required by State law and meets on an ad hoc basis. Determines how the Village can comply with regulations pertaining to stormwater.
- Dave Biggert, Service Director, Chair
- Assigned as needed
Reviews matters relating to the service of Village roads, culverts, stormwater, equipment and residential property maintenance compliance.
- Larry Frankel, Chair
- Dave Biggert, Service Director
- Trevor Murfello, Service Manager
- Charlie Baker
- Bob Bruml
- David Burke
- Steve Dominish
- Darko Luketic
- John Mueller
- Trina Nemastil
- Mark Saltzman
- Nancy Sogg
Established in the Village Investment Policy section 155.04:
(b) Treasury Investment Board. There is hereby established a Treasury Investment Board, consisting of the Treasurer and not less than two members of Council who shall be appointed by Council and shall be, ex-officio, members of the Finance Committee of Council.
- Dixon Morgan, Jr; Chair
- David Atton, Councilmember
- Michael Press, Councilmember
Appointed by the Mayor and approved by Village Council annually this committee collaborates with the Gates Mills Land Conservancy and ODNR to outline a multi-step approach to education, tree health and assessment and tree maintenance and planting.
- Mitchell Bass, Chair
- David Atton
- Erick Carlson
- Holly Mathews
- Nathaniel Smith
- Sandra Turner
Manages the distribution of State Funds to dependents in the event of the death of a volunteer fire fighter.
2 Council Representatives
- David Atton
- Ed Welsh
Studies and recommends employee wage scales and benefits.
- Steve Siemborski, Chair
- Beth DeCapite
- Bob Reitman
- Sandra Turner, Council Rep
- Ann Whitney
Evaluates the system operation, maintenance and capital improvements of the Village's wastewater system and plant.
- Scott Broome, Chair
- Debbie Moss Batt
- Phil Campanella