Police Department

Traffic Camera Enforcement

For online payments, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, visit the Gates Mills Traffic Camera Tickets page on the Lyndhurst Municipal Court website.
https://www.lyndhurstmunicipalcourt.org/departments/camera-tickets/gates-mills-camera-tickets/ or call 877-341-9588.

To contest a photo enforcement citation please visit the Lyndhurst Municipal Court website or call 440-461-6500 x 191 M-F(8:00 am - 4:00 pm) EST.

Traffic Camera Enforcement Information:

The Village of Gates Mills operates a photo traffic enforcement program pursuant to Codified Ordinances Chapter 318.

The Gates Mills Police Department is compliant with all Ohio law pertaining to photo traffic enforcement.  

Traffic Camera Enforcement – Photo Enforcement Signs:

For automated photo enforcement, the Village of Gates Mills has posted a fixed sign at every entrance to the Village to advise motorists of the photo enforcement program and speed limits.  Click here to view  a map of camera locations.

To view the calibration records for the traffic cameras click on any of the links below:

2024 automated camera certificates

Eastbound: US 322 (East of West Hill Drive

Westbound: US 322 (East of Fox Hill Drive)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some frequently asked questions concerning the automated speed and traffic enforcement program:

Q:     I received a photo citation in the mail.  How do I pay this citation?
A:     Payment for photo citations can be made by clicking here

Q:      What are my rights as a motorist, vehicle owner, or entity upon receiving a civil violation?
A:      Please refer to Gates Mills Codified Ordinance  Chapter 318.05 concerning these rights.  

Q:     Did the Ohio Supreme Court outlaw traffic cameras in 2022?
A:      No, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled how traffic camera violations are adjudicated in court and how they impact local government funding.  Traffic cameras are still legal in Ohio.

Q:     I thought the traffic cameras were no longer allowed to be used, is this true?
A:     In certain cities the traffic cameras have been banned by a vote from that community.  This does not apply to The Village of Gates Mills.

Q:     Do the traffic cameras violate my Constitutional rights?
A:     No,  the Ohio Supreme Court stated the cameras do not violate any person’s Constitutional rights.  To read an article about the Ohio Supreme Court decision click here.

Q:     Does a police officer have to be present at the traffic cameras?
A:     No, effective July 26, 2017, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled an officer need not be present.  To read the Ohio Supreme Court decision click here.  

Q:     Can I contest the citation that was filed against me?
A:   To contest a photo enforcement citation please visit the Lyndhurst Municipal Court website or call 877-341-9588

Q:     Although the vehicle is registered to me, I was not driving.  Can I transfer liability of the citation?
A:     Yes, transfer of liability can be transferred by completing the Transfer of Liability Form and filing with the court.

Q:     My question is not listed here, how do I obtain additional information?
A:     You can send an e-mail to police@gatesmillsvillage.com.




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To reach any member of the Police Department, Dial 440-423-4405 and then their extension
Chief Gregg Minichello x112 Send Email
Lieutenant Mike Pollutro x155 Send Email
Sergeant Randy Savage x129 Send Email
Detective Sergeant Mike Day x128 Send Email
Corporal John Richards x179 Send Email
Patrolman Angela Suchetka x147 Send Email
Patrolman/SRO Arch Kimbrew x152 Send Email
Patrolman Dylan Hustosky x164 Send Email
Patrolman Charlene Strasshofer x158 Send Email
Patrolman Jessica Newsome x132 Send Email
Patrolman Dylan Hooker X130 Send Email
Patrolman Mitchell Cole x187 Send Email
Police & Town Hall Coordinator (Part-time) Dorothy Slunski x120 Send Email