Engine 1411
1991 Ford/Saulsbury Mini-Pumper is the first-out engine to respond to structure fires.
Features and Equipment:
- 750 gpm pump with 400 gallon water tank
- 250 ft of 1 ½" preconnected hose
- 1000 ft 5" supply hose
- Various gasoline powered saws
- Medical/First Aid jump kit
- Three (3) SCBA air packs
- Built-in 6000 watt generator
- 13 ft extension ladder

Engine 1412
1997 Spartan/Darley Pumper is the first out engine for motor vehicle accidents (MVA) and second out for structure fires.
Features and Equipment:
- 1500 gpm pump with 1000 gallon water tank
- 40 gallons built-in foam tank
- 400 ft of 1 ½" preconnected hose
- Two (2) 100 ft 1 ½" high rise packs
- 1300 ft 5" supply hose
- Various gasoline powered saws
- Medical/First Aid jump kit
- Five (5) SCBA air packs
- Portable 5000 watt generator
- One 14 ft roof and one 24 ft extension ladder
- Vehicle extrication equipment

Engine 1413
This 1987 Pierce is the first out engine for all mutual aid requests from other communities. With the large amount of 5 inch supply hose it carries, this Engine is used to provide the water supply needed for fires in homes or structures that are located more than 2000 feet from a fire hydrant.
Features and Equipment:
- 2000 GPM Pump
- 750 Gallon Tank
- 3 Crosslays
- 400 ft preconnected 2
- 2050 ft of 5 inch supply hose
- 6 person cab
- 6 S.C.B.A. units
- Thermal Imaging Camera

Command 1472
For fire department incident command and control.
Features and Equipment:
- Command reference books and materials
- Command control board
- Medical/First Aid jump kit
- One (1) SCBA air pack
- Portable radio