
Annual Plant Sale & Vintage Boutique - May 25, 2024

May 25, 2024 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. 1280 Chagrin River Rd. Gates Mills, OH 44040 Featuring a wide variety of perennials, shrubs, & houseplants gathered from Gates Mills gardeners. Also, offering an array of whimsical, unusual & utilitarian gardening and flower arranging items for sale. For more information: email or call 440-423-4555 or vistit the Gates Mills...Read more

Household Hazardous Waste Round-Up 10/17/23

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Rear Service Area of Village Hall Acceptable Items: Oil or solvent-based paints, sealers, primers, varnish, polyurethanes, shellacs, spray paints, automotive fluids, kerosene, gasoline, lighter fluid, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, paint thinner, mineral spirits, turpentine, caustic household cleaners, adhesives, roof tar, driveway sealer,...Read more

Gates Mills Land Conservancy Annual Meeting

Gates Mills Land Conservancy invites all Villagers to our 2022… Annual Member Meeting Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Gates Mills Community House 6:00pm (Light hors d’oeuvres and drinks served) See PDF below for more details.Read more

"You Can't Take It With You" - Play in the Park- Gates Mills Players

The Gates Mills Players Presents the First Annual Play in the Park: "You Can't Take It With You" "You Can’t Take It With You is a madcap, idealistic comedy that reinforces the idea that you can only live life to the fullest by doing whatever makes you happy." WHERE: Village Greens WHEN: Friday, August 5, 2022 TIME: 7:00 p.m. See PDF below for more...Read more

Yoga in the Park

yoga in the park
Outdoor Yoga in the Park Saturdays 10:00 a.m. May 28 - Sept. 3 Village Greens near Town Hall Join us for a free* yoga class taught by certified yoga instructors. All levels welcome. No experience necessary. *Donations accepted and appreciated On the Village Green, by Town Hall The style will teach you the proper form for the poses and leave you both relaxed and energized. Contact Lyndy Rutkowski...Read more

Annual Roadside Clean-Up

Annual roadside Clean-Up April 29- May 1st It's time to make our Village beautiful! Let's keep our roadsides free of trash. Join your neighbors and help pick up trash and debris. Place trash in your regular pick-up. Trash bags may be obtained in the screened in porch at the Gates Mills Garden Club property at 1280 Chagrin River Rd. Friday, April 29, 2022 Saturday, April 30, 2022 Sunday,...Read more

2021 Holiday Contest Winners

See the 2021 Holiday Contest Winners. Thank you to ALL the wonderful entries and for making 2021 Merry & Bright!Read more

Recycle used/broken holiday lights & extension cords - for a cause

Lion receiving a gift box
LIGHTS FOR LIONS Do you have broken or used holiday lights and extension cords? The Village of Gates Mills is joining with the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to help protect lions and cheetahs in Tanzania. Bring your broken, non-working or used strings of lights and extension cords to Town Hall or the Community House vestibule for recycling now through January 5, 2023. Please do not include any...Read more

4th of July VIRTUAL PARADE (2020)

WATCH THE VIRTUAL PARADE ON THE VILLAGE YOUTUBE CHANNEL CLICK HERE to view Before the traveling Neighborhood Parade moves through the streets in your area on July 4th, take a stroll down memory lane by watching highlights of parades over the past thirty-five years. You may catch a glimpse of your family, friends, and neighbors. (Did we really dress that way?) These pictures and videos were...Read more

Mayfield Schools - Senior Citizen Sampler

November 7, 2019 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. See flyer below for more information.Read more
