Gates Mills

From the Mayor - February 2025
Wednesday, Mar. 19th

Dear Villagers,

We finished 2024 with a strong financial standing and significant progress toward our three strategic priorities: safety, environmental stewardship, and community engagement. These accomplishments were made possible through a spirit of collaboration and neighborliness, values that are cherished by many communities. We are putting the final touches on our 2024 annual report, which will highlight these achievements. Look for it in your mailbox in the coming weeks.

As we enter 2025, we do so with confidence, committed to moving the Village forward while honoring our past and embracing the present.

Reflecting on our history, we also look ahead to the Village’s 200th anniversary in 2026. We will celebrate this milestone with pride, recognizing how we have honored our forebears in preserving the small-town charm, historic appeal, environmental beauty, and strong sense of community.

Today, we have over 2,000 villagers actively involved in community clubs, historic preservation, and environmental initiatives. Our actions are guided by a comprehensive community plan and supported by a strong financial position, which enables us to prioritize and implement meaningful projects.

Looking to the future, we are planning for the evolving needs of our residents. The Administration and Council are evaluating the feasibility of bringing 50 miles of high-speed, buried fiber optic cable to every home and business in the Village, offering a competitive advantage for homeowners and an attractive selling point for potential buyers. We are also focused on transitioning a private septic system operator to the Village’s system to reduce environmental risks to the Chagrin River. Additionally, we are excited to partner with ENCORE for the second annual Gates Mills ENCORE Music and Idea Festival. To enhance safety, we have invested in technology and increased staffing to improve security for our residents and their properties.

In February, the Administration and Council will meet to finalize our priorities for the year, which we will share with you once decided. As we step into 2025, I am pleased to report that the Village is in a strong position.

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your mayor.

Steven L. Siemborski, Mayor
1470 Chagrin River Road
Gates Mills, OH  44040
(440) 423-4405   Ext. 122