Gates Mills

From the Mayor - March 2025
Wednesday, Mar. 19th

Dear Villagers,

The Administration and Council are close to a decision to improve internet access through a Fiber-to-the-Home high speed solution available to the entire Village. If approved by Council, this will provide an additional choice to residents as to their internet provider.

The Broadband topic has been considered for several years. Those efforts follow from the answers to two simple previous survey questions: 1. Were Villagers satisfied with their internet (No) and 2. Would they pay more for better internet (Yes)?

The Village evaluated the feasibility of a village wide community solution. The study concluded that better internet was feasible, the topography and lack of density made the village less desirable to providers, and the village might need to contribute a seven figure amount. The well-known providers were already contacting Village residents that bordered neighboring municipalities. A continuation of their selective approach would leave the village with vulnerability that a better internet solution wouldn’t be available to all villagers.

The village proceeded to create an RFP with three essential requirements: 1. The solution needs to be a community solution, available to all homes and businesses, 2. The solution must be buried vs aerial given our vulnerability to weather interruptions, and 3. The solution must be affordable.

Only one of three RFP respondents met all of the essential requirements. Council approved the recommendation of the Broadband Committee that we enter negotiations with Chagrin Valley Gig (“CVG”). Among the features in the draft contract are a seven year price lock, no installation charge to the home if a resident signs up during the first 15 months, and a choice of four levels of service. Residents are not required to select this solution and can stay with their current provider.

The draft contract and legislation has been through two readings of Council. A Town Hall was held on February 19th and broadcast via You Tube. A third reading is scheduled for the March council meeting.

Further information and presentations by the Broadband Committee and Chagrin Valley GIG can be found on the village website. Or direct questions to and we will accumulate them and prepare an FAQ.

I hope that this information is clear and helpful to you

Steven L. Siemborski, Mayor
1470 Chagrin River Road
Gates Mills, OH  44040
(440) 423-4405   Ext. 122