Gates Mills

From the Mayor - May '22
Monday, May. 2nd

Dear Villagers,

April showers bring May they say. We will hope for just a few rain showers in May to keep the Village beautiful!

Our Service Department is working very hard to clean up for spring after winter. The amount of damaged trees and bushes created from only a few bad storms is truly amazing.

Please remember to get your permits for cutting trees. It is also important that you maintain your fences. Broken fences are an eyesore and could be a danger...please repair or remove them.

Our Mayfield Road at Chagrin River Road project only has the new traffic lights to be mounted in order to be completed. This was a needed safety project at this busy intersection.

Our traditional Easter Egg Hunt was held on Saturday, April 15th. The event was very well attended, even with the morning rain. The Easter Bunny was happy to be back taking pictures with everyone! Thank you to the Webb family, Dr. and Mrs. Kramer, the Service Department, Jean and Gabby Misch, Dorothy Slunski and Janet Mulh for making the event successful.

The Gates Mills Art Show was off to a good start at the Patron Party on April 23rd. It is a beautiful show; please try and view it sometime before May 8th. Thank you to Bob Andreano, Bob Santoro and their whole team of workers. It is a lot of work, but very worthwhile.

The first meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee will take place on May 11th at 6:00 p.m. in the Community House. It will be livestreamed and archived on YouTube. Residents are encouraged to attend in person or online. An email account will be established for comments, questions and suggestions to be submitted throughout the comprehensive plan process. Questions will be answered in an FAQ document to be posted on the Village website.

We are planning the summer band concert for July 24th. Details will be forthcoming.

Please note we have Electronic Recycling on May 7th and Household Hazardous Waste Dropoff on May 17th . More details are available on our website,

I hope everyone is able to enjoy all that a Gates Mills spring offers.

Karen Schneider
Mayor, Village of Gates Mills
440-423-4405 ext. 122