a blue background square with a well-groomed man wearing a blue suit, red tie and white shirt giving a thumbs up. the words, "Join Village Council" are displayed in bold.

Council Seeking Candidates for Vacant Council Seat

Due to the February 24, 2025 passing of Councilman Edward Welsh III, the Village has an immediate vacancy for his council seat, term ending December 31, 2027. The Village Charter states:

Any vacancy in the Council or an office thereof shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of Council for the unexpired term. If the vacancy is not filled within thirty days after it shall have occurred, the Mayor shall fill it by appointment.

If you are interested in joining Village Council or would like to hear more, please join us on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. in the Gates Mills Town Hall, Council Chambers for an informational meeting. Interested candidates may also contact Mayor Steve Siemborski, 440-423-4405 x 122 or via email: mayor@gatesmillsvillge.com.



Live-Streamed / Recorded Meetings

Watch some Village Meetings (i.e. Council Meetings) Live via YouTube Livestream or at your convience on the Village YouTube Channel

Some Village meetings will be livestreamed on YouTube

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Christopher Fox's Bargain Box- 4/25/25

St. Christopher’s by-the-River Episcopal Church 7601 OLD MILL ROAD IN GATES MILLS OHIO The Fabulous Semi-Annual Sale Friday, April 25, 2025 9 AM- 4 PM Early Bird Access...Read more

Friends of the Gates Mills Library Present Local Author, Patrick McLaughlin

A helicoptor flying over treetops with a beautiful orange sky with the sun just on the horizon. The words Cheerful Obedience appear in white int a white box at the bottome of the picture.
THE FRIENDS OF THE GATES MILLS LIBRARY presents: LOCAL AUTHOR PATRICK MCLAUGHLIN Patrik McLaughlin is a decorated Vietnam Veteran and former U.S. Attorney for the Northern...Read more

Council Seeking Candidates for Vacant Council Seat

a blue background square with a well-groomed man wearing a blue suit, red tie and white shirt giving a thumbs up. the words, "Join Village Council" are displayed in bold.
COUNCIL SEEKING CANDIDATES FOR VACANT COUNCIL SEAT Due to the February 24, 2025, passing of Councilman Edward Welsh III, the Village has an immediate vacancy for his council...Read more