Gates Mills

Marston Park - Paver Order Form
Monday, Sep. 9th

Looking for a way to honor, memorialize or recognize someone? Why not order a Legacy Paver to be placed in the tennis patio area of the Gates Mills Marston Park? An 8" x 8" Paver can be ordered for $250. Additional pavers ordered at the same time are $150 each.

Tax--deductible under 170(c)(1) Internal Revenue Code.

To order, print off the attached paver order form landscape.pdf and mail to:

Village of Gates Mills
Legacy Paver Order
1470 Chagrin River Rd.
Gates Mills, OH 44040

For questions, please contact Jean at Town Hall, 440-423-4405; ext. 111. 

PDF icon paver order form landscape.pdf360.32 KB

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