Gates Mills

From the Mayor - April 2024
Monday, May. 6th

Hello Villagers,

I am pleased to share with you the progress made on several fronts.

At the March 19th council meeting, Council discussed and agreed to the matters of strategic importance to the Village. There are three primary areas. 1. Preserve, protect and enhance the natural and scenic environment of the Chagrin River valley that affect our land, waterways, and wildlife. 2. Improve our public utilities and services regarding cell service, consideration of village wide internet/broadband and fewer electrical disruptions. 3. Enhance the Village Center as a gathering place including greater community communications and engagement. Council also supported the suggested path forward for the 11 listed elements of the three areas. Bottom line, we are able to move forward in a way that is understood by all. We will keep you posted on the progress.

Survey responses by our residents support more community engagement through more events, more culture, more family activities and more fun. It is rewarding to see the community support. The Community Club pancake Sunday was a wonderful success with the line out the door. Thank you, Community Club volunteers. The Easter Egg hunt is always a favorite with over 2,000 eggs scattered around Marston Park for the different age group children. Gates Mills Players produced another wonderful theatrical performance. The village-sponsored Art show is taking shape. And we are pleased to announce the Encore Gates Mills Music and Idea Festival in June. I trust you will find something in these activities and programs that will make you happy and proud to live in our Village.

I will close this letter by sharing how impressed I have become in seeing the fine work done by our village employees in the service, police, fire and administration departments. The last ninety days have provided me a front seat view. They provide excellent service and in a professional manner so that we are safe. Thanks to each of them.

Working together in collaboration, we will move the Village forward.

Very truly yours,

Steven L Siemborski, Mayor
1470 Chagrin River Road
Gates Mills, OH  44040
(440) 423-4405   Ext. 122