Gates Mills
Hello Villagers,
The month of May brings many options to engage in our community. So, flip your planner pages to May and June and start penciling in your choices.
The Gates Mills Art Show runs through May 5th at the Community House. Admission is free. 117 pieces of art were selected for the show and competition from over 370 wonderful submissions. This exhibit is one of Northeast Ohio’s most popular and beautiful shows.
On May 10th, the students at the Mayfield School District Environmental Education Center on County Line Road are holding their Spring Plant Sale. They have propagated and grown annuals, perennials, hanging baskets and more, all waiting to find their summer home in your yard.
On May 25th, The Gates Mills Garden Club will hold their annual plant sale and vintage boutique. “Doors open” at eight, but the line starts much earlier. Unique in its approach, all plants are from homes, yards and estates of GMGC members and gardeners. No longer a best kept secret, this is one of the best plant sales in the area because of the provenance of the perennials, shrubs and house plants.
On June 23, the Village Green will become the home of Camerata, a presentation of phenomenal chamber music as the culmination of the three-week Encore - Gates Mills Music and Ideas Festival. Admission is free. Some of the country’s most accomplished musicians, mentors and prodigies will combine as the closing ensemble of the festival. We hope to create a powerful connection between the audience, the artists, and the music.
On June 21 and 22, The Gates Mills Garden Club is sponsoring its biennial Garden Tour featuring six private homes and the GMGC property on Chagrin River Road which features beautiful gardens and a variety of vendors selling specialty garden related items. We are fortunate that these homeowners have opened their yards for us to share the beauty they have created.
There are many ways to enjoy our Village, meet neighbors and create friendships. Try a picnic lunch, a cup of coffee or a play group at Marston Park. Hope to see you there.
Finally, the first of several council workshops on matters of strategic importance will be held on May 13 at the Community Center from 5-7 p.m. It will be live-streamed. Residents are welcome to participate. The topic will be how to protect, preserve and enhance the natural and scenic environment that affects the land, waterways, and wildlife of our Chagrin River valley. Come join us in a discussion of this important priority.
Working together in collaboration, we are moving the village forward.
Very truly yours,
Steven L Siemborski, Mayor
1470 Chagrin River Road
Gates Mills, OH 44040
(440) 423-4405 Ext. 122