New resident info

News Article - Snow Removal

The snow and ice removal service on Village roadways is dictated by weather conditions with the main roads given first priority for plowing and salting to insure emergency accessibility and traffic flow. Secondary residential streets are plowed as soon as possible thereafter.

Snow removal and salting for Mayfield Road within the Village of Gates Mills is the responsibility of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).

The Village currently uses a combination of salt and # 8 slag on the roadways to prevent ice forming and to improve traction.

News Article - Rubbish Collection

Currently Rumpke  is the waste hauler for the removal of typical household waste and recyclables within the Village.

Commingled recyclable materials including aluminum or steel cans, glass or # 1 and # 2 plastic must be placed in a blue bag and placed next to the garbage. Newspapers and paper materials should be dry and placed in a brown bag for pick up. Cardboard, including cereal boxes and corrugated, should be flattened, tied in a bundle and placed along side other recyclables.


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